Tuesdays Tips; Toilet Seat Cover Trick

Yes, you read that title right! This week's Tuesdays Tips will help all my oily-skinned babes when you suddenly find yourself without those trusty oil-blotting sheets.

It never fails, you excuse yourself from a dinner date, or business lunch to "freshen up" only to realize your t-zone could have provided the oil for the meal's main course. 

Here's a little secret, toilet seat covers are made of the same material as most oil blotting sheets sold at the drugstore! That's right, never again will you experience the annoyance of blotting your face with a tissue and removing some of your makeup in the process. Just tear a piece of the toilet seat cover, and use the more grainy side to press and blot as usual!
Take your face from greasy to glam once again!

Big thanks to my bestie, who is a real life oily skinned beauty. Without her, I wouldn't have been able to show how this little beauty hack really works! 

*nails: SINFUL COLORS- Black on Black with FANTASY MAKERS- Confetti