Dear 2016 ...

If you would've told me last year how my 2016 was going to turn out, I might have only believed half of it.

2016 was definitely the year of fun! I'm thankful for the opportunities I was blessed with, the relationships I gained and the ones I lost- for they brought me to a much happier place. To find patience and growth with positive energy and efforts throughout all the road blocks and creative delays, while being able to put that same energy into what you truly want is always the "resolution" I strive to accomplish.

Here's to another year long journey without comparison to the next persons, bigger career moves, more traveling, and of course more fun!
Life is beautiful and I'm forever grateful for all the love in mine.

💗 💗 💗

I wanted to showcase the fun and the people that helped make this year #sexual2016 by finally putting together those saved Snapchat stories, pictures, and random videos, so you all could relive the highlights of last year with me!

-- & yes, my Youtube channel (here) is finally happening!! This is just the beginning; so all requests, comments, and subscribers are welcomed and appreciated!! Seriously, the support and love never goes unnoticed.

Happy 2017!